I want to renew my license with DC myself but it is linked to RentJiffy.

In the past the way some licenses were filed associated with the license to an account in RentJiffy's name which may present an issue if you try to renew on your own. The following directions will allow you to move your license to an account in your own name and thus allowing you to renew your license online.

You will need to apply for a transfer using the following link:



Within the link it will ask you for the following information:

  1. Reason For Transfer - Select BBL Associated with Wrong Email Address
  2. Full Name of Originator - This would be our company name RentJiffy. We have been informed the online link asks for First and Last name. It was suggested to put "Rent" in place of the First Name and "Jiffy" in place of the Last Name.
  3. Original Account Holder Email Address - use support@rentjiffy.com
  4. Original Account Holder ID - you may leave this blank

The remainder of the form will ask for information related to you. You will need to have set up an account with DLCP at their online licensing portal (https://business.dc.gov/). Your account at DC Licensing Portal will be referred to as "Target Account" in the online transfer form. 

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